If you have been following my Little Owl Design blog you would know that last week I was planning to share my final blog post from my Intro to Color Series with a post about the color purple. I hope you can indulge me as I share why last week didn’t go as planned and I promise later this week I will share everything I know about the color purple. 

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. – Anthony J. D’Angelo

On Thursday May 23rd I had the honor of walking with my fellow graduates at the commencement ceremony for the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA

I’ll be honest, I almost didn’t go. I was really on the fence about walking at graduation.

  • I was an online student so I never got to know any of the instructors or any of my fellow classmates.
  • I had actually finished in December of 2018 so I was already on to the next thing in life.
  • I’m 48 years old (yes I’m not afraid to share my age) so really I thought I was a bit too old for a graduation ceremony.
  • And finally I actually thought my accomplishment really wasn’t that big of a deal.

Many of my friends and family thought I was being ridiculous and encouraged me to do it, saying I would regret it if I didn’t go and that this was something that was important for my kids especially for my daughter to see.

So, literally at the very last minute I decided to go for it and signed up to participate. I had my husband, Jim pick up my cap and gown since the Academy is near his work and I prepared myself mentally for the day. As the day drew closer I actually started getting very excited it. I even got into the spirit by decorating my cap and I made Alexa, my daughter a matching hair bow to wear on the big day. 


The day arrived and thankfully after series of weird rainy days the forecast was sunny and beautiful. The family and I got up early and took BART into San Francisco. 

I joked on Facebook and Instagram  to pray that I don’t trip on stage. Thankfully my prayers were answered.

I am so grateful that I listened to my family and friends and walked at graduation. The day was fantastic, I cried as I marched in and I cried again as I marched out and saw my family. Remember when I said I didn’t think this was a big deal, well I was wrong. It wasn’t until I had the time to reflect on these years that I thought wow, how did I even accomplish it. With work, building a new business, family and all their obligations, running a household and during my final semester, I was selling my house and looking for a new one. Really how did I do it? Well one thing is for sure I couldn’t have done it without the support of the three individuals pictured above. My Family – my rocks – my guiding lights.

I was officially done with school the middle of December 2018, so it’s been a little over 5 months and I really miss it. I mentioned that to my husband about a week before graduation. I thought I was being weird, he said no it didn’t surprise him one bit, he has known me for over 30 years and I thrive when I’m learning. He thinks I’m the poster child for life long learning.

So what is a life long learner to do – well, go back to school. So for the next 2 years I will be focusing on perfecting my craft, I’ll be heading to some design conventions, I’ll attend a few Wordpress camps and I really want to attend Adobe Max and I will start utilizing my membership with Lyndia.com (btw – check your local library to see if they offer a membership. Mine does so as a library member I have access to all the classes for free.) Fast forward to Fall of 2021,  I will be 50 years old, my son Jacob will have just finished his bachelors degree and Alexa will be starting the 4th grade and I will be back at the Academy of Art. Yep, in 2 years I’m going back and this time I will be working toward my degree in Art History. Wish me luck.


Until next time,


Stayed tuned later this week for my final installment in my Intro to Color Series. 

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