by Karri | May 2, 2019 | Tips and Tools
This week we will look at the color green. Green is considered a neutral color in the color wheel as it’s not labeled a warm or cool color. While green is not a color I choose to wear, it’s a color I love to design with. There are so many shades and tints of green...
by Karri | Apr 2, 2019 | Tips and Tools
There are two elements in graphic and website design that I find to be the most fascinating and fun. They are fonts and color. I love fonts because of the minute details a designer puts into creating them. Later in the year I hope to devote a series of blog posts to...
by Karri | Sep 12, 2018 | Logo Design, Tips and Tools
Is professional logo design really worth the investment? I say it is and not just because it’s what I do. Today I’d like to share 5 reasons why you should invest in a professional logo design. So you have this amazing business idea, you decide to share the idea with a...
by Karri | Aug 30, 2018 | Tips and Tools
Tips and Tools A Breakdown of File Format Types and how to use them When I complete a logo design I always give my client versions in multiple file formats. Each format has a particular use, so with today’s blog post, I’d like to break each type down so you will know...